I provide caring and professional services to the fiber flock and hobby farm owner. The kind treatment of the animal and the proper handling of the fiber are very important to me and to my clients. My shearing methods are those used by most professionals and are considered industry standard. Please see section on “Humane Methods” for details.
Tools and Equipment
I bring a 4’x6′ rubber mat on which to shear sheep, and a 10’x5′ padded mat on which to shear alpacas and goats. I use both hand-held shearing machines (primarily I am currently using the Beiyuan shears, although I also have many other machines such as Heininger and Premier and Oster) and a drop shaft shearing machine (Lister). I ordinarily use 13 tooth combs, except on goats where I usually use a 17 tooth mohair comb. I do have 20 tooth combs (for delicate and smaller animals) and 12 and 10 tooth combs for the tougher sheep but prefer, usually to use 13s (both flared and straight-edged). I’ll usually ask you to look at your animals before I start so that I can determine the best equipment to use for them.
- Sheep
- Angora & Pygora goats
- Alpacas
- Llamas
- Camels
- Horse and pony full body and trace clips
- Donkey clipping
- Cow clipping
- Very occasionally I’ll clip an LGD although this is not a recommended practice unless they are hopelessly matted.
- Hoof trimming for sheep, goats, and pigs
- Toenail trimming for alpacas, llamas, dogs, and rabbits
- Tooth trimming for alpacas and llamas (incisors, fighting teeth)
- Pig tusk trimming
- Livestock guardian dog brushing, de-matting, toenail trims
- Trimming sheep and goat horns that are growing into the head (diamond wire method)
- Farrier work. I am not qualified to trim cow or horse/pony/donkey hooves; for clients in central Maryland I will be happy to recommend my own farrier. For other areas, please ask me – my clients often give me referrals to their farriers/blacksmiths.
- Show cuts. I don’t do show cuts, bobble heads on alpacas, and rarely do show fleeces.
- Coated sheep.
- Hooves/tusks on large farm hogs.
- Sedation. If your animal is so unhandled that he/she needs sedation, you will need to consult with your veterinarian.
- Finewool sheep. (Merinos, Rambouillet, Targhee, Cormo, etc.). I can recommend a highly skilled finewool sheep shearer. Shearing finewools requires a special skill that I do not possess.
- Dead animals. Unfortunately, I have been asked to shear recently deceased animals, but this is not something I will do because it goes against my belief system.