
Doing a sheep shearing demonstration.

Shroeder Shearing is a service started by Anne Shroeder (that’s me) in 2004.  As a small flock owner, I discovered it was difficult to find gentle shearers to shear my animals and so decided to dedicate myself to learning the craft.

I currently shear for upwards of 400 farms each year – the flock sizes range from 1 to 50. I shear sheep, alpacas, goats, and llamas, and also do hoof trimming and (for camelids) tooth trimming.

My primary goals:

  • Treat your animals with care and respect.
  • Remove fiber in an efficient and professional manner.

I partner with experienced livestock assistants who are polite to humans and gentle with animals.

A portion all proceeds of the shearing go to benefit Star Gazing Farm Animal Sanctuary

Services include:


  • Sheep
  • Angora & Pygora goats
  • Alpacas
  • Llamas


  • Horse and pony full body and trace clips
  • Donkey clipping
  • Cow clipping
  • Camel clipping


  • Hoof trimming for sheep, goats, and pigs
  • Toenail trimming for alpacas, llamas, dogs, and rabbits


  • Tooth trimming for alpacas and llamas (incisors, fighting teeth)


  • Livestock guardian dog brushing, de-matting, toenail trims


  • Trimming sheep and goat horns that are growing into the head (diamond wire method)


  • Farrier work.  I am not qualified to trim cow or horse/pony/donkey hooves; for clients in central Maryland I will be happy to recommend my own farrier.  For other areas, please ask me – my clients often give me referrals to their farriers/blacksmiths.
  • Show cuts. I don’t do show cuts, bobble heads on alpacas, and rarely do show fleeces.
  • Coated/jacketed sheep. 
  • Hooves/tusks on large farm hogs.
  • Sedation.  If your animal is so unhandled that he/she needs sedation, you will need to consult with your veterinarian.
  • Finewool sheep. (Merinos, Rambouillet, Targhee, Cormo, etc.).  I can recommend a highly skilled finewool sheep shearer.  Shearing finewools requires a special skill.

Waiver of Liability

By engaging in services provided by Shroeder Shearing, the client does hereby acknowledge and assumes the risk of participation in any and all activities with Anne Shroeder / Shroeder Shearing / Star Gazing Farm, Inc.  He/she does hereby acknowledge that he/she will release Anne Shroeder / Shroeder Shearing / Star Gazing Farm, Inc. , its officers, staff members, volunteers, advisors, property owners, and/or agents in any location where shearing activities are conducted, of and from all claims which may hereafter develop or accrue to them on account of injury, loss or damage, which may be suffered by said minor or to any property, because of any matter, thing, or condition, negligence or default whatsoever, and they hereby assume and accept the full risk and danger of any hurt, injury or damage which may occur through or by reason of any matter, thing or condition, negligence or default, or any person or persons whatsoever.

The person engaging services executes this release acknowledges that there is a valid consideration to executing this release. The invalidity of any statement or waiver of rights above under local, state, or federal law does not invalidate any other statement or waiver of rights above.